Saturday, April 14, 2012

Survivor One World, Episode 9 Recap

We begin our recap of Episode 9 of Survivor One World on Day 23. Not everyone in the Tikiano Tribe had a good night of sleep. Jay dreamed that he was shot! He was not happy that Mike was voted out the night before. Troyzan is happy, as he believed the women who told him that Mike was out gunning for him. But now in the clear light of day, Jay and Troyzan are growing worried that the women are becoming too powerful. Troy tells Jay that there is a hidden immunity idol out there and that it may hold the key to success. Jeff Probts tempts the contestants of Survivor One World with food. Image Credit: PNP / The whole tribe goes to fetch the day′s tree-mail. There are a bunch of parts and a message for the Reward Challenge. Its a bolo-throwing contest. They divide into two teams of five each and take a turn throwing the bolo at a target. Different ′branches′ of the target are worth between 1 to 5 points. The team with the highest score wins a BBQ on a secluded beach. The Black Team has Chelsea, Christina, Kim, Sabrina and Leif. The [...]


Lorri Bagley Lucy Liu Luj·n Fern·ndez Magdalena WrÛbel Maggie Grace

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