Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mira Sorvino Talks Career, Family and Human Trafficking with Hamptons

With her latest film "Union Square" having just been released in theaters this weekend, Mira Sorvino pitched in on the promotions by covering Hamptons magazine.

The 44-year-old actress looked enchanting in a Gibeon long dress from Trina Turk with Kimberly McDonald diamond and geode earrings for the Jason Bell shot front page while dishing about everything from how motherhood has impacted her career choices to working with the United Nations in the effort to prevent human trafficking.

Highlights from Miss Sorvino's interview are as follows. For more, be sure to pay a visit to HAMPTONS!

On her new movie 'Union Square':
“Personally speaking, I think it’s one of the best things I’ve done in at least the past decade. It’s about family, resolving old hurts, and moving forward. But it’s also quite hilarious, and people totally relate to it just in the family sense, like, 'Oh, it’s just like me and my brother' or 'just like me and my dad.'”

On how she deals with her own secrets:
"With me, usually the truth will come out eventually. I can’t sit on something that’s disturbing me for very long. I think we all have parts of our past that we’ve graduated from and that don’t really get trotted out every moment of the day. But if I’m really deeply bothered by something, I want to tell it and I eventually do because otherwise it festers."

On whether motherhood has changed the way that she views roles or the roles that she takes on:
"Before there were certain roles that might have been more provocative or risqué that I didn’t do, and sometimes I regretted not doing them. Now I don’t [regret it] because I feel like if my kids saw them, it might upset them."

On working with the United Nations in the effort to prevent human trafficking:
"It’s something that I’m very heavily involved in; in fact, I did another film called Trade of Innocents that is coming out this fall that’s about the trade of children in Cambodia. But trafficking is everywhere in the world, and the United States is one of the worst offenders. It’s tied with the illegal arms trade as the second largest criminal industry on the earth, just after drugs. It makes $32 billion a year worldwide. There are about 300,000 kids at risk in the US every year, and only one in 100 victims are ever rescued. Once you find out about it, you can’t look away, and once you’ve met someone who has been bought and sold as an object, been beaten and denied their basic human rights, you can’t ever forget that. You meet these survivors of human trafficking and they blow you away with their courage and the misery that they’ve lived through."


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