Thursday, May 24, 2012

Will Smith's Reasons To See 'MIB 3': Alien Chickens And His Ears In 3-D

'It's the first time it's in 3-D — my ears are in 3-D for the first time,' Smith tells MTV News.
By Kara Warner

Will Smith in "Men in Black 3"
Photo: Columbia Pictures

If you are a fan of "Men in Black" and "Men in Black 2," then you should definitely plan on seeing the franchise's third film, "Men in Black 3" when it hits theaters this weekend. Not only are our favorite suited-up agents J and K up to their old tricks, witty banter and all, but their third outing features an appropriately science-fiction-y element of time travel that introduces us to a young Agent K, expertly played by Josh Brolin.

If those plot points don't have you ready to buy tickets, take it from the series' star Will Smith himself, who says you won't want to miss seeing his ears in 3-D.

"The fun of [this film] is trying to make it new but not so new that it don't match," Smith told MTV News recently. "We had to be able to create something that was brand-new, that stands on its own, and it's been 10 years since the first movie, so there were a lot of things working against it. But it's the first time it's in 3-D — my ears are in 3-D for the first time," he said with a laugh. "I'm very happy with it."

Smith went on to tell a story about another part of the film that made him happy: watching an alien chicken trip and fall.

"With these types of movies, the set tends to take on the tone of the movie, the amount of silliness and things. You just see the most bizarre things on movies like this," he said. "I saw a 7-foot-tall chicken trip and fall. You would never see that anywhere in the world! There was a chicken alien and she had these foot-and-a-half heels on so she was 7-foot-tall in a chicken outfit, and she trips and falls. I just thought that was fantastic."

Bring up the "favorite moments during filming" subject with director Barry Sonnenfeld and he'll tell you a tale of his star's acting skills being a bit rusty at the start of production.

"On the first day of photography, we filmed Will on a blue-screen stage having to jump down [from the top of the Chrysler building], and what was great about it was that he hadn't acted in three years and was really bad," Sonnenfeld recalled. "Luckily, we cut out the bad stuff, but that first take we did after he hadn't acted in three years, I was sweating because he was no good. After I yelled, 'Cut!' Will said, 'Baz, I can do better! I'm really rusty!' And within a day or two, it all worked out fine. But man, it was interesting. You know how they say 'Once you learn how to ride a bicycle, you never forget?' Well, Will forgot how to act for the first day or two. Luckily he wasn't acting with other actors or it would have been really embarrassing."

Check out everything we've got on "Men in Black 3."

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